More info about Kompassi

We are an international meeting point run by Kuopio Setlementti Puijola, founded in 1999. Kompassi is close to everyone situated in the heart of Kuopio.

In Kompassi the goal is an equal society for all. Kompassi offers opportunities to participate in the activities that strengthen the participant’s skills on how to function in the society and make everyday life smoother and support well-being. You can get personal advice from Kompassi in different life situations and everyday matters. We also offer concrete help in navigating to the right service, making appointments or doing business.

Our community activities promote encounters and working together builds a bridge between people. Our operations have a strong group of volunteers who build diverse activities together with the staff every year.

Our visitors call Kompassi their second home.

Kompassi’s employees are available:

Summer: Monday to Friday from 8:30am to 3:30pm
Kompassi’s Finnish classes and hobby groups are on a break from June to August. Check for the schedule from Finnish languages courses and Hobby Groups pages.

Kompassi`s year 2022 in figures:

  • 1332 times of counseling
  • We offered 17 different hobby and peer-support groups
  • 348 individuals participated in the groups
  • 1401 hours were put into our activities by volunteers
  • We organized about 25 events and happening of various sizes.
  • 765 individuals participated in Kompassi’s multicultural discussions.
  • 309 individuals studied in non-stop lessons


The main financiers of Kompassi are STEA (Assistance Center for Social and Health Organizations), which distributes Veikkaus Oy’s profits, and the city of Kuopio.


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