Education and employment

International meeting place Kompassi offers job coaching as well as a wide variety of courses and trainings. You can read about them below.

Finnish language teaching

Kompassi offers two different levels of non-stop Finnish language lessons to study the structures of the Finnish language (for beginners and more advanced).

The levels of the lessons are defined by Kompassi itself. They do not directly correspond to official language proficiency levels.

In addition to non-stop lessons, we offer Finnish language development and strengthening groups led by Kompassi’s volunteers.

Finnish language lessons and groups offered by Kompassi are open to everyone and free of charge. You don’t need to register for them. All teachings take place at Kompassi.

Nonstop lessons are taught by Finnish language teacher Satu Nummi

p. 050 455 2745,

Finnish Language lessons

Welcome to Finland – course

The course is a Finnish language and social orientation course for immigrants. The aim of the courses is to provide Finnish language teaching to make everyday life run smoothly, as well as social knowledge and local knowledge.

The duration of the courses can vary according to the customer’s needs to 4-8 weeks. The effective group size for the course is 10–20 people.

The language of instruction is Finnish, but the courses can include sections in the participants’ mother tongue. Puijola has the capabilities to implement courses in small groups also for illiterate people.

The teacher is Finnish language teacher Satu Nummi.

For more information and contact click on the link below.

Read more about applying


In Kompassi our goal is an equal society for all. Our activities support integration and inclusion. Kompassi also provides advice and guidance for everyday matters.

We emphasize community, well-being and peer support. Our operations have a strong group of volunteers who build diverse activities together with the staff every year.

You can come to us directly during opening hours (Kauppakatu 40-42, Kuopio) or by appointment. Contact information can be found at this link.

Read more about Kompassi

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