
Aggred aims to reduce or stop violent behaviour. Aggredi offers the opportunity to deal with problems arising from violence on neutral ground. The work is individual work. In Aggredi Kuopio, we work together to find ways to change our way of life.

Aggredi’s clients are mainly referred to it by prisons, community sanctions offices, the police, organisations and buskers. It is funded by Stea.

Get rid of violence

Aggredi is a therapeutic intervention for perpetrators of domestic violence aged 18-49. The aim is for the client to stop or reduce their violent behaviour. Aggredi provides an opportunity to address problems arising from violence on neutral ground. Trust, neutrality, respect and non-judgement are the cornerstones of the client encounter.

Please contact Arja Mykkänen, Aggredi’s Violence Specialist in charge of violence work, p. 044 787 2879, or Pasi Raatikainen, Violence Specialist, p. 050 364 4888, You can also visit our office at Savonkatu 24.

Read more about our work in Puijola

Our customers

Aggred’s target group of customers are:

persons aged 18–49 who have committed violent crimes outside the home

persons with severe symptoms of violence

persons planning a school or mass murder or a serious violent crime (fantasy-based violence – in this target group we also accept minors)

In addition, Aggredi works with the following target groups:

representatives of extremist movements (extreme right, extreme left) and persons planning to go to and returning from combat zones.

persons who leave the gang world and their close circle such as parents, siblings and spouses.

Read more about our customers

Aggred’s method

The customer sheds light on his own world in dialogue with the employees. As the work progresses, things considered true can be redefined several times and gain new meanings.

Read more about Aggredi’s method


We pay attention to the client’s resources and the basis of our work is the client’s own motivation for change. We respect the customer, regardless of his background or actions. Expertise can be found in the customer himself. An equal encounter and voluntariness create a safe basis for dialogue. The customer’s own definition of truth and its shaping in interaction with others are at the center when the customer creates a new identity for himself. We are part of Kuopio Setlementti Puijola.

Read more about Puijola`s values

Asiakkaat kertovat


”Ajattelin et tulen kerran ja sit tulin toisen kerran ja miks en ois voinu jatkaa. Vapaa, rento ilmapiiri, luottamus syntyi nopeasti.” 


“Ensimmäistä kertaa minusta tuntuu, että minua kuunnellaan oikeasti. Näen kyllä, jos ihmiset eivät ole oikeasti kiinnostuneita. Hienoa, kun ette sano rauhoitu, olet aggressiivinen ja pelottava tai että kutsumme vartijat. Haluan vain kertoa mitä olen tehnyt ja miten ja miltä minusta tuntuu.”


“Olen saanut vahvistusta omille ajatuksille, millaiseksi halusin oman elämän suuntautuvan. Ajatus- ja toimintamallit on muuttuneet niin, etten lähde ratkomaan epämiellyttäviä tilanteita väkivallalla.”

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